- By inflecting the voice more one can hold the attention of an audience.
讲话声音有些抑扬变化可以吸引住听众的注意力。 - Most English verbs are inflected with `-ed' in the past tense.
InflectingInduction of a simple morphology for highly-inflecting languagesInduction of a simple morphology for highly-inflecting languagesMorphological processing of polymorphemic nouns in a highly inflecting languageLanguage interpreter for inflecting words from their uninflected formsMorphological analysis of inflecting compound words in BanglaMorfessor and hutmegs: Unsupervised morpheme segmentation for highly-inflecting and compounding languagesUnsupervised Morpheme Segmentation for Highly-Inflecting and Compounding LanguagesDerivation versus Inflection in three Inflecting LanguagesLearning a vector-based model of American Sign Language inflecting verbs from motion-capture data