infusibleinfusibleInfusibleInfusible platelet membrane microvesicles: a potential transfusion substitute for platelets.Infusible Platelet Membranes Retain Partial Functionality of the Platelet GPIb/IX/V Receptor ComplexBlood treatment replacement fluid using infusible fluids in combinationCerasome as an Infusible, Cell-Friendly, and Serum-Compatible Transfection Agent in a Viral SizeInfusible platelet membranes improve hemostasis in thrombocytopenic blood: experimental studies under flow conditions.Cerasome as an infusible and cell-friendly gene carrier: synthesis of cerasome-forming lipids and transfection using cerasomeA novel infusible botanically-derived drug, PG2, for cancer-related fatigue: a phase II double-blind, randomized placebo-controlled ...Evaluation of lyophilized platelets as an infusible hemostatic agent in experimental non-compressible hemorrhage in swineProduction and characteristics of an infusible oxygen-carrying fluid based on hemoglobin intramolecularly cross-linked with sebacic ...Matsui, K. et al. Cerasome as an infusible, cell-friendly, and serum-compatible transfection agent in a viral size. J. Am. Chem. Soc...