Rumen Infusorian and Its Relation to Metabol Isation of the YakRegeneration in an amicronucleate infusorianThe Ecology of Some Infusorian Communities of Intertidal PoolsLicnophora lyngbycola, a New Species of Infusorian from Woods HoleRegulatory calcium effect on adenylyl cyclase functional activity in the infusorian Dileptis anserMETHODS OF RENDERING THE RUMEN AND RETICULUM OF RUMINANTS FREE FROM THEIR NORMAL INFUSORIAN FAUNAComparative cytochemical studies by micro‐incineration of a saprozoic and an holozoic infusorianReplication and integration of fragments of new chains into the DNA of the infusorian Tetrahymena pyriformis GL[Ultrastructure of the nuclear apparatus of the infusorian Loxodes magnus. I. The macronuclei, macronuclear anlagen and the interpha...Three-dimensional reconstruction of the chromatin structure in the somatic nucleus of the infusorian Bursaria truncatella.