- The writer showed ingenuity in creating a surprising ending.
作者别具匠心地设计了一个出人意料的结尾。 - She had the ingenuity to succeed where everyone else had failed.
她真是心灵手巧,别人办不到的事她却做成了。 - It took some ingenuity to squeeze all the furniture into the little room.
把全部家具都塞进那个小房间是很费了一番心思的。 - This movie is of great ingenuity.
这部影片很有独创性。 - I admire your ingenuity and perseverance.
我钦佩你的独创性和毅力。 - In fact, the ingenuity that goes into their design and manufacture sets an example that could usefully be followed by the mainland's moribund cultural industries.
The phloem, a miracle of ingenuity
The phloem, a miracle of ingenuity [Review]
The Ingenuity Gap: Can Poor Countries Adapt to Resource Scarcity?
The phloem, a miracle of ingenuity. Plant Cell Environ
Causal analysis approaches in Ingenuity Pathway Analysis
Nature's ingenuity: bypassing the classical secretory route via apocrine secretion.
Ingenuity Network-Assisted Transcription Profiling: Identification of a New Pharmacologic Mechanism for MK886
Biosynthesis of Plant Volatiles: Nature's Diversity and Ingenuity
Design and performance evaluation of a whole-body Ingenuity TF PET-MRI system.
The β-lactamase cycle: a tale of selective pressure and bacterial ingenuity