
  • v.

    吃,吞下( ingest的第三人称单数 );获取(某事物);

  • 英英释义

    ingest[ in'dʒest ]

    • v.
      • serve oneself to, or consume regularly

        同义词:consumetake intakehave

      • take up mentally

        同义词:absorbassimilatetake in



    1. You will ingest only the lightest of substances.
    2. The product itself is safe to ingest.


    Toxoplasma gondii ingests and digests host cytosolic proteins
    Designing artificial phagocyte that selectively ``ingests'' solutes
    The newborn rat ingests fluids through a surrogate nipple: a new technique for the study of early suckling behavior.
    Model study of conditions, when the reverse jet ingests into the engine input located behind the wing
    An Analysis of the Proportion of the U.S. Population that Ingests Soil or Other Non-Food Substances
    "Visually impaired elderly patient ingests pill desiccant, leading to acute hypoxic respiratory failure requiring intubation"
    Nature Buff Misidentifies Plant, Dies of Poisoning Hiker Ingests Water Hemlock, One of the Most Toxic U.S. Plants
    The Symbiotic Water Mite Unionicola formosa (Acari: Unionicolidae) Ingests Mucus and Tissue of Its Molluscan Host
    Northern Fowl Mite, Ornithonyssus Sylviarum (Acari: Macronyssidae), Ingests Large Quantities of Blood from White Leghorn Hens
    The Method by Which Trichonympha campanula, a Protozoön in the Intestine of Termites, Ingests Solid Particles of Wood for Food