IngulfIngulfIngulfChapter 10 – Diversity and Distribution ofSeaGrass Associated Macrofauna inGulf of Mannar Biosphere Reserve, Southern IndiaComptes rendus - La Chronique d'Ingulf : hauts faits et méfaits des Vikings en Angleterre médiévale. Volume offert à M.M. Dubois...Susi Super und Ingulf an der HotelbarDipl.-Phys. Ingulf SchelerIngulf SchelerTemporal patterns of carbon dioxide in relation to hydrological conditions and primary production in the northeastern shelf of the G...Respiratory responses to temperature and hypoxia in the nonindigenous Brown Mussel, Perna perna (Bivalvia: Mytilidae), from the Gul...Transfer of polychlorinated biphenyls and chlorinated pesticides from mother to pup in relation to cytochrome P450 enzyme activities...PP269—Interest of genotype assessment in antidepressant treatment failure in psychiatric patients: A case reportThe History and Charters of Ingulfus Considered