Isolation of inhibin from bovine follicular fluid
Inhibin-B: a likely candidate for the physiologically important form of inhibin in men
Betaglycan binds inhibin and can mediate functional antagonism of activin signalling
Measurement of circulating inhibin forms during the establishment of pregnancy
An update on the roles of inhibin, activin, and follistatin as local regulators of folliculogenesis.
Antral follicle count, anti-mullerian hormone and inhibin B: predictors of ovarian response in assisted reproductive technology?
Isolation and partial characterization of a Mr 32,000 protein with inhibin activity from porcine follicular fluid.
Pituitary FSH is released by a heterodimer of the |[beta]|-subunits from the two forms of inhibin
Complementary DNA sequences of ovarian follicular fluid inhibin show precursor structure and homology with transforming growth facto...
Possible role of luteinizing hormone and follicle-stimulating hormone in modulating inhibin secretion and expression during the estr...