Cat.nr. 39 Insigne, Petrussleutels, tiara en Vera IconCytotoxic Diterpenoids from Sapium insigneFilomicrobium insigne sp. nov., isolated from an oil-polluted saline soil.Impregnation of Bombax ceiba and Bombax insigne wood with a N-methylol melamine compoundChemInform Abstract: Diterpene Esters and Phenolic Compounds from Sapium insigne (Royle) Benth. ex Hook. filDevelopmental morphology of normal and atypical flowers of Philodendron insigne (Araceae): a new case of homeosis.Pollination of Dendrobium infundibulum, Cymbidium insigne (Orchidaceae) and Rhododendron lyi (Ericaceae) by Bombus eximius (Apida...Isozyme evidence of reticulate evolution in mosses: Plagiomnium medium is an allopolyploid of P. ellipticum X P. insigne.Studies on the Seed Germination and Embryogenesis in the Cymbidium goeringii Rchb. f. and Paphiopedilum insigne var. sanderae Rchb. fTaxonomic studies on the genus Pleurastrum (Pleurastrales, Chlorophyta). I. The type species, P. insigne, rediscovered and isolated ...