Institutionally Endogenous Money制度型内生货币
Institutionally Based Functional Regulation功能监管
institutionally bilingual teaching外语授课
Either Individually Or Institutionally个别地或制度
a more evolutionary and institutionally有进化性的
itwasinstitutionallyspecial,withaspecialpoliticalbaseand a special scientificandclinicalagenda.
International adoption of institutionally reared children: research and policy.Institutionally specific design archetypes: a framework for understanding change in national sport organizations.Early adolescent outcomes of institutionally deprived and non-deprived adoptees. III. Quasi-autismThe Adoption of Institutionally Contested Organizational Practices: The Emergence of Stock Option Pay in GermanyThe Interaction of Institutionally Triggered and Technology-Triggered Social Structure Change: An Investigation of Computerized Phys...The interaction of institutionally triggered and technology-triggered social structure change: an investigation of computerized phys...Early adolescent outcomes of institutionally-deprived and non-deprived adoptees. II: Language as a protective factor and a vulnerabl...Systems that Should Have Failed: Critical Infrastructure Protection in an Institutionally Fragmented EnvironmentSuspended in Self-Spun Webs of Significance: A Rhetorical Model of Institutionalization and Institutionally Embedded AgencyErratum: "Early adolescent outcomes for institutionally deprived and non-deprived adoptees. I: Disinhibited attachment"(Journal of ...