financial intermediation金融中介
- It adopts compulsive intermediation, arbitration and lawsuit.
劳动委员会可以强制调停公益事业企业中发生的集体争议,这类纠纷具有影响范围大的特点,通过强制调解可以尽快解决纠纷,防止矛盾激化。 - In recent years, the intermediation of the court is placed high hope in setting up the progress of harmonious society.
摘要近年来,法院调解在构建和谐社会的进程中被寄予了极高的期望。 - It adopts compulsive intermediation, arbitration and lawsuit.
Financial and Intermediation Endogenous Growth
Financial intermediation and growth: Causality and causes ☆
Financial intermediation and growth: Causality and causes [Dataset]
℉inancial Intermediation, Loanable ℉unds, and the Real Sector
Financial intermediation and growth : Causality and causes, Volume 1
A Functional Perspective of Financial Intermediation
Chicken & Egg: Competition among Intermediation Service Providers
Chicken and Egg: Competition Among Intermediation Service Providers
Stock Performance and Intermediation Changes Surrounding Sustained Increases in Disclosure
The Pooling and Tranching of Securities: A Model of Informed Intermediation