mediation process调解过程;中介过程
- Without military leverage, peaceful mediation was not working.
没有军事上的优势,和平调停是不起作用的。 - Under the mediation of the photographer, all of these will end up with a harmonious entity unfolding in front of us.
而这一切,在摄影家的调停之下,最终又归结为一个和谐的整体向我们展开。 - And the mediation proceeds on that basis.
调解应在此基础上进行。 - Otherwise, there is no point to mediation.
否则,就没有调解的前提。 - Principle applies to the mediation and arbitration proceedings.
调解原则适用于仲裁和诉讼程序。 - A mediation record shall expressly state the arbitral claims and results of agreement by the parties.
Introduction to statistical mediation analysis.
Mediation in experimental and nonexperimental studies: new procedures and recommendations.
Addressing Moderated Mediation Hypotheses: Theory, Methods, and Prescriptions.
A comparison of methods to test mediation and other intervening variable effects.
Beyond Baron and Kenny: Statistical mediation analysis in the new millennium.
Introduction to Mediation, Moderation, and Conditional Process Analysis: A Regression-Based Approach
Introduction to mediation, moderation, and conditional process analysis: A regression-based approach.
Reconsidering Baron and Kenny: Myths and Truths about Mediation Analysis
Increased osteoclast development after estrogen loss: mediation by interleukin-6
SPSS and SAS procedures for estimating indirect effects in simple mediation models.