- Why did another universe intermix itself with the universe of which Earth is a part?
Intermixed normal tissue within prostate cancer: effect on MR imaging measurements of apparent diffusion coefficient and T2--sparse ...Intrastriatal grafts derived from fetal striatal primordia—IV. Host and donor neurons are not intermixedExciton dissociation, charge transport, and recombination in ultrathin, conjugated polymer-TiO2 nanocrystal intermixed compositesRoom‐temperature exciton transitions in partially intermixed GaAs/AlGaAs superlatticesA Novel Route To Molecular Self‐Assembly: Self‐Intermixed Monolayer PhasesPorous media to separate gases liquid droplets and/or solid particles from gases or vapors and coalesce entrained dropletsSelective averaging of individual trials using fMRIQuantum well intermixingList-strength effect: I. Data and discussionBrand Equity Dilution: Retailer Display and Context Brand Effects