- I am powerless to intervene in the matter.
Need to intervene in established acute renal failure
Places to Intervene in a System: In Increasing Order of Effectiveness
Three-year-old children intervene in third-party moral transgressions.
Willingness to Intervene in Bullying Episodes among Middle School Students: Individual and Peer-Group Influences.
The Medical Emergency Team: a new strategy to identify and intervene in high-risk patients
Encouraging physicians to screen for and intervene in substance use disorders: obstacles and strategies for change
Increasing Primary Care Providers'' Willingness to Intervene in Alcohol- and Drug-Related Problems: A Review
Physical activity to prevent falls in older people: time to intervene in high risk groups using falls as an outcome
Code of Silence: Students’ Perceptions of School Climate and Willingness to Intervene in a Peer's Dangerous Plan
Antitrust Alert: EU Court of Justice Declares National Competition Authorities May Intervene in Competition Proceedings before Natio...