
coronary heart disease large increase to increase by cancer overnutrition glycemia triglyceride blood sugar lipid spasm convulse seizure necrosis lesion atrophy enzyme carrot turnip spinach millet corn wheat rice fruit vegetable water mineral vitamin carbohydrate protein nutrient alkaline acid trace element substance chemical element condition physical therapy radiotherapy chemotherapy traditional conventional parallel to unparalleled unprecedented puncture assimilate promote nurture foster syringe eclipse hostile solemn provoke demanding imperative clarification clarify anticipate examine scrutinize intuition instinct indistinct eloquent illegible dehydration reduce depletion exhaustion lassitude segregation harassment discrimination stigma shame disgrace promising propel prompt agreeable acceptable responsible amenable semen secretion iodine phosphorous calcium zine iron intake take in onset offset palpitation palpation negate refute hamper hinder encumber obstruct impede endow with familiarize acquaint accordingly aid assist ratify rehabilitation dissuade persuade osteoporosis sprain twist cramp tendon ligament bone abdomen belly back waist toe heel sole ankle leg disk knee thigh bottom buttock limb shoulder spinal cord spinal neck whisker beard chin jaw cheek ENT nose forehead extract drill cavity gum tooth lung airway esophagus larynx tongue cortex brain skull hair head temperature blood pressure breath heartbeat pulse vital sign midwife delivery room recovery room ward geriatrics mortuary therapist orthopaedist gynecologist psychiatrist oncologist pediatric ophthalmologist cardiologist resident professional medical perfunctory the same as identical to similar to block back up repair decompose demolish despise disapprove deplore obliterate substitute domain avert vanquish aggravate deteriorate dilute dilate yield accommodate typical representative represent intensive intensify ICU density dense surgy physician manifesto impose exhibit bestow impart expend spend dispense drug resistance resist prerequisite noble nobel scent fragrance odour favor flavor appeal elevator escalate accelerate apply to apply for vibrate tremble steady stabilize fluctuate