IntestacyCohabitation and Intestacy: Public Opinion and Law ReformTestacy and Intestacy: The Dynamics of Wills and Demographic StatusORDER OF INTESTACY, DETERMINATION OF HEIRS AND FORMAL APPOINTMENT OF PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVEWills for Everyone: Helping Individuals Opt Out of IntestacyInheritance and the Family: Attitudes to Will-Making and IntestacyGoal-Based Approach to Drafting Intestacy Provisions for Heirs other than Surviving Spouses, AUsing Social Science to Inform the Law of Intestacy: The Case of Unmarried Committed PartnersThe Power of Renewable Resources: Orlando's Tactical Engagement with the Law of IntestacySocial Security Survivors Benefits: The Effects of Reproductive Pathways and Intestacy Law on Attitudes