- Despite their post-season follies, the Pistons will likely go down as the most intimidating team of the decade.
不说他们恐怖的季后赛表现,活塞在这十年间很可能是最具有威胁的球队。 - The intimidating atmosphere of Turkey didn't faze Sven-Goran Eriksson's side, who kept their heads despite fierce provocation from the hosts.
Anaesthesia crisis resource management training: an intimidating concept, a rewarding experience.Intimidating competitors — Endogenous vertical integration and downstream investment in successive oligopoly ☆Why are wasps so intimidating: field experiments on hunting dragonflies (Odonata: Aeshna grandis )Intimidating Competitors–Endogenous Vertical Integration and Downstream Investment in Succesive Oligopoly“An eye for an eye?”—on the generality of the intimidating quality of eyespots in a butterfly and a hawkmothAn intimidating ornament in a female pipefishIntimate partner violence and the justice system: an examination of the interface.Exposure to negative acts at work, psychological stress reactions and physiological stress responseDoes the Red-backed shrike (Lanius collurio L.) benefit from nesting in the association with the Barred Warbler (Sylvia nisoria Bech...Embeddedness and Immigration: Notes on the Social Determinants of Economic Action