Diseño e Implementación de un Sistema de Transmisión Inalámbrico de Señales Biomédicas de Origen Muscular RespiratorioRe-emergence of iodine deficiency in Australia.Integrating General-Purpose and Domain-Specific Components in the Analysis of Scientific Text.Human requirements of iodine & safe use of iodised saltFastperiodische invariante Vektormoduln in einem metrischen VektorraumIodine deficiency disorders in Sarawak, MalaysiaRussian Vowel Reduction and Phonological OpacityAbsence of interference of serum IgGs from patients with breast cancer and thyroid autoimmunity on the function of human iodide symp...Hecke eigenforms and representation numbers of quadratic forms.accra Salt solution for Ghana's plague of goitres : The Lancet