IodometryThe improvement of measuring vitamin C by using iodometryMicro Range Iodometry by Combining Precision Null-Point Potentiometry and Electrolytic Generation of IodineDetermining Content of Vitamin C in Vegetable by Using IodometryBarium Thiosulfate Monohydrate, Standard for Thiosulfate IodometrySTUDY ON MEASUREMENT OF CHLORINE DIOXIDE CONTENT BY MODIFIED FIVE-STEP IODOMETRYDetermination of lipid hydroperoxides in serum iodometry and high performance liquid chromatography compared.Dependence of superconducting properties on the Cu-valence determined by iodometry in HgBa 2 CuO 4+δPolyvinyl alcohol as a useful indicator on iodometry: volumetric and spectrophotometric studies on iodine-PVA and iodine-starch comp...Use of flow injection analysis based on iodometry for automation of dissolved oxygen (Winkler method) and chemical oxygen demand (di...