Lesion, "irritative"zone and epileptogenic focus.
Dissection of Antigenic and Irritative Effects of Epicutaneously Applied Haptens.
Storage (irritative) and voiding (obstructive) symptoms as predictors of benign prostatic hyperplasia progression and related outcom...
Assessment of upper respiratory tract and ocular irritative effects of volatile chemicals in humans
Prophylactic effect of rebamipide against the irritative and healing impairment actions of alendronate in rat stomachs
Peripheral Afferent Nerve Stimulation for Treatment of Lower Urinary Tract Irritative Symptoms
Can ultrasound replace ambulatory urodynamics when investigating women with irritative urinary symptoms?
The spontaneously hypertensive rat: insight into the pathogenesis of irritative symptoms in benign prostatic hyperplasia and young a...
The spontaneously hypertensive rat: insight into the pathogenesis of irritative symptoms in benign prostatic hyperplasia and young a...
Human exposure to 3-carene by inhalation: Toxicokinetics, effects on pulmonary function and occurrence of irritative and CNS symptoms