- He has been forbidden playing for one year because of excitant.
The excitant and repellent effects on mosquitos of sub-lethal contacts with DDT.
Quinolinic acid: A potent endogenous excitant at amino acid receptors in CNS
An excitant amino acid projection from the medial prefrontal cortex to the anterior part of nucleus accumbens in the rat.
Capsazepine: a competitive antagonist of the sensory neurone excitant capsaicin.
Guam amyotrophic lateral sclerosis-parkinsonism-dementia linked to a plant excitant neurotoxin
(.+-.)-Periplanone-B. Total synthesis and structure of the sex excitant pheromone of the American cockroach
Excitatory factors in ventricular tachycardia resulting from myocardial ischemia; potassium a major excitant
Induction of audiogenic seizure susceptibility by focal infusion of excitant amino acid or bicuculline into the inferior colliculus ...
An iontophoretic investigation of the actions of convulsant kynurenines and their interaction with the endogenous excitant quinolini...
The effects of a series of omega-phosphonic alpha-carboxylic amino acids on electrically evoked and excitant amino acid-induced resp...