ischiaticischiaticPersistent ischiatic arteryThe ischiatic region: normal and MRI anatomyOn the design of an ischiatic body weight support system (IBWS) for gait rehabilitationIschiatic pressure sores: our experience in coupling a split-muscle flap and a fasciocutaneous flap in a |[lsquo]|criss-cross|[rsquo...[Indication of sclerotherapy in the treatment of ischiatic pressure sore: about 13 cases].Sensate anterolateral thigh perforator flap for ischiatic sores reconstruction in meningomyelocele patientsLesão por esmagamento do nervo isquiático de ratos: estudo da vascularização Rats' ischiatic nerve injury caused by smashing: a ...[Caustication of the helix of the ear and vesication of the calcaneus with ranunculus in the treatment of ischiatic neuralgia. Empir...