Isostasy and flexure of the lithosphereOn the role of isostasy in the evolution of normal fault systemsAn analysis of isostasy in the world's oceans: 3. Aseismic ridgesAn analysis of isostasy in the world's oceans 1. Hawaiian-Emperor Seamount ChainA 4,700-Year Record of Lake Level and Isostasy for Lake MichiganGLOBAL GLACIAL ISOSTASY AND THE SURFACE OF THE ICE-AGE EARTH: The ICE-5G (VM2) Model and GRACEExperimental isostasy: 1. Theory of the determination of the Earth's isostatic response to a concentrated loadErosional dynamics, flexural isostasy, and long‐lived escarpments: A numerical modeling studyGeoide Height Time Dependence and Global Glacial Isostasy: The ICE-5G(VM2) Model and GRACELithospheric necking and regional isostasy at extensional basins 1. Subsidence and gravity modeling with an application to the Gulf ...