- Yet in the midst of all the jollity, he felt a little forlorn.
可是,在这个热闹的局面中,他也感觉到一点凄凉难过。 - There had been jollity and peace and goodness.
那是充满欢乐、宁静和美好的时光。 - That kind of jollity was not for him, it never had been and never would be.
Not a Cause for Jollity
Jubilee, jollity pales into insignificance
Jollity and the “Santa Claus” effect: bah humbug?
A Land Where Jollity and Gloom Still Contend
Needy Nothing Trimmed in Jollity.
Not a Cause for Jollity. (Book Reviews: Overweight. Causes, Cost, and Control)
Migration Myths, Really Radical Voting Reforms and Enforced Jollity
Parliament: Hague Carries the Day on a Tide of Roaring Tory Jollity the Sketch
Moving Image: A Remarkable Filmic Addition Is Made to Sydney. Unlike Most Cinemas, It Promises to Add to the Jollity of Urban Life