The Jotunheim GatewayGlaciers in Jotunheim and Their PhysiographyThe Styggedal Glacier in Jotunheim, NorwayLayered Structure in Rocks of the Jotunheim Complex, NorwayOn Deformation at Thrust Planes in Shetland and the Jotunheim area of NorwayAllochthonous origin of the Jotunheim Massif in southern Norway: a reconnaissance study along its northwestern marginAlmandine Pseudomorphous after Plagioclase in a Metadolerite Dyke from the Jotunheim, NorwayPhysico-Geographical Researches in the Horung Massive, Jotunheim: The Recrystallization of Snow into Firn and the Glaciation of the ...Thirty years of primary succession on the Storbreen glacier foreland, Jotunheim, Norway : species populations, community dynamics an...Schmidt hammer exposure-age dating: developing linear age-calibration curves using Holocene bedrock surfaces from the Jotunheimen–J...