joule heat焦耳热
joule heating焦耳加热;电阻加热
- The joints heat up as a result of the Joule heating effect.
焦耳热效应造成焊点温度提高。 - Joule's work led to one of the basic laws of physical science.
Joule heating at high latitudes
3. JOULE Programm: From the laboratory to the market place
Joule heating in the mesosphere and thermosphere during the July 13, 1982, solar proton event
Winding factors and Joule losses of permanent magnet machines with concentrated windings
The Joule heat production rate and the particle energy injection rate as a function of the geomagnetic indices AE and AL
Thermomigration in Pb-Sn solder joints under joule heating during electric current stressing
Study of dynamic current distribution in logic circuits by Joule displacement microscopy
Improved ionospheric electrodynamic models and application to calculating Joule heating rates
Process for protecting solder joints and structure for alleviating electromigration and joule heating in solder joints
Measurement of friction factors for the flow of gases in very fine channels used for microminiature Joule-Thomson refrigerators