JournaleseJournaleseJournaleseJournalese: The inside storyMODALITY IN THE JOURNALESE TEXTGenetic engineering journaleseThe Integration Function of JournaleseMetaphorical adjective-noun combinations in journaleseIdioms in journalese: a synchronic and diachronic study of food and drink idioms in 200 years of The TimesSequencers in different text genres: Academic writing, journalese and fictionCONCEPTUALISATION OF COMPANIES IN ENGLISH AND ROMANIAN BUSINESS JOURNALESEAcademic journalese for the Internet: : a study of native English-speaking editors’ changes to texts written by Danish and Finnish ...Culture-Bound Metaphors. A Corpus-Based Comparative Approach To English And Romanian Journalese