- The car's kaput we'll have to walk.
汽车坏了--我们只好步行。 - My motorcycle is kaput, and I doubt it can be repaired.
Technology and mathematics education
Nutritional genomics: the next frontier in the postgenomic era
Radical Constructivism in Mathematics Education
Nucleotide sequence of the yeast nuclear gene for cytochrome c peroxidase precursor. Functional implications of the pre sequence for...
Linking representations in the symbol systems of algebra
Isolation of the yeast nuclear gene encoding the mitochondrial protein, cytochrome c peroxidase.
Alleles corresponding to various diet-associated phenotypes
What is algebra? What is algebraic reasoning?
The case for strategic international alliances to harness nutritional genomics for public and personal health
Characterizing a Classroom Practice That Promotes Algebraic Reasoning