Technology of extracting and separating valuable metals such as Pb, In, Sb, Cu and Sn from lead smelting converter slagsRegulation of jasmonate-mediated plant responses in arabidopsis.Towards an accurate description of the anisotropic behaviour of sheet metals under large plastic deformations: Modelling, numerical ...Testing the importance of jasmonate signalling in induction of plant defences upon cabbage aphid ( Brevicoryne brassicae ) attackA system-theoretic framework for a wide class of systems I: Applications to numerical analysisA computational micromechanics constitutive model for the unloading behavior of paperAntigen-matched red blood cell transfusions for patients with sickle cell disease at The Johns Hopkins Hospital.Indigenous Arabs are descendants of the earliest split from ancient Eurasian populationsSNPs and Haplotypes in Native American PopulationsA Generic Approach to Parameter Control