PROTEIN KATABOLISM IN URÆMIAProtein katabolism and oxygen consumption during starvation in infants, young adults and old menKatabolism of plant cytoplasmic ribosomes: A study of the interaction between ribosomes and ribonuclease.PROTEIN KATABOLISM IN URÆMIA : EFFECTS OF PROTEIN-FREE DIET, INFECTIONS, AND BLOOD-TRANSFUSIONS ☆Reading The Stone Virgins as Vera's Study of the Katabolism of WarKatabolism of plant cytoplasmic ribosomes: RNA breakdown in senescent cotyledons of germinating broad-bean seedlingsPROTEIN KATABOLISM IN URqMIA *1EFFECTS OF PROTEIN-FREE DIET, INFECTIONS, AND BLOOD-TRANSFUSIONSThe Maintenance Requirement of Cattle for Protein, as Indicated by the Fasting Katabolism of Dry Cows 1The Basal Katabolism of Cattle and Other Species.The Katabolism of the Non-volatile Organic Acids of Tobacco Leaves During Curing