- He couldn't keep in his indignation.
他抑制不住他的愤慨。 - She could hardly hold in her emotions.
Running to Keep in the Same Place: Consumer Choice as a Game of Status
Keep in contact: the role of the contact system in infection and sepsis.
Forced peripheral vision driving paradigm: evidence for the hypothesis that car drivers learn to keep in lane with peripheral vision
Risk prediction in pericarditis: who to keep in hospital?
Research on Essential Characteristics of Chinese Qigong from Guide Figure and Works that Keep in Good Health Rheology
Clip to keep in engagement the ends of shoestrings or other fasteners
Arrangement for insulating window or door soffit to keep in heat - uses heat-retaining lining on outer surface of wall casing frame
The keep-in-touch phone:a persuasive telephone for maintaining relationships
Keep in a cool place: exposure of medicines to high temperatures in general practice during a British heatwave.
Factors responsible for incomplete linkage to care after HIV diagnosis: preliminary results from the Test and Keep in Care (TAK) pro...