Long-term bactericidal properties of a gentamicin-coated antimicrobial external fixation pin sleeve.Optimering af LysfestAcquisition of a second multi-drug resistance-encoding element by IncM1 plasmid pACM130 abolished conjugative transfer.A study of the bacterial flora of the normal and pathologic vagina and uterus.Two novel STRA6 mutations in a patient with anophthalmia and diaphragmatic eventration.An Empirical Analysis of Time Perspectives, Time Orientations, and Temporal Uncertainty in ForestryTine adjustment for a headerPročelje cerkve Santa Maria Novella v Firencah in vprašanje virov albertijanske estetikeAmong-site rate variation and phylogenetic analysis of 12S rRNA in sigmodontine rodentsSUBSTITUTED IMIDAZOLES, THEIR PREPARATION AND USE