- There are also early brass and keyboard instruments.
这里还有早期的铜管乐器和键盘乐器。 - Equal temperament is the system commonly used in keyboard instruments.
Keyboard instrument
Keyboard instrument
Early keyboard instruments : a practical guide
Keyboard instrument with the display device employing fingering guide
Using a Vertical-Keyboard Instrument with the Uncertain Singer
Toward Next-Generation Digital Keyboard Instruments
Essay on the True Art of Playing Keyboard Instruments
Keyboard instrument for selectively producing mechanical sounds and synthetic sounds without any mechanical vibrations on music wires
A Pilot Study in the Use of a Vertically-Arranged Keyboard Instrument with the Uncertain Singer
Finger position and pressure sensing techniques for string and keyboard instruments
Understanding what it means for older students to learn basic musical skills on a keyboard instrument
Personality Differences between the Players of String, Woodwind, Brass and Keyboard Instruments, and Singers