- She knocked under to her opponent.
Characterization of an MPS I-H knock-in mouse that carries a nonsense mutation analogous to the human IDUA-W402X mutation.
Corrigendum to “Characterization of an MPS I-H knock-in mouse that carries a nonsense mutation analogous to the human IDUA-W402X m...
Radiolysis to knock-on damage transition in zeolites under electron beam irradiation
Knocking Characteristics of Hydrocarbons Determined from Compression Ratios at Which Individual Compounds Begin to Knock under Speci...
"To knock under,""Knocking under the Table,"
Hoops Knock Four to Lift Lenny; Spl: Celts Keep Up Winning Run under Neil
Cricket: Skipper Issues Challenge to the New Faces -Be Next Vik; Let Solanki Knock Be Inspiration, Vaughan Tells Under-Performing Te...
SHAW LINKS LINK UP SUP WITH ENGLAND DESPITE KNOCK ; United Defender Joins Under-21s in Bid to Get More Games
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Black Country News: Booze crackdown cuts crime figures WEST BROMWICH: Campaign to combat under-age drinking has a knock-on effect