KnucklebonesKnucklebonesKnucklebonesWHAT'S KNUCKLEBONES?Twigs and KnucklebonesKnucklebones: 27 Stories by Annabel ThomasThe Game of "Knucklebones"in AustraliaTwigs & Knucklebones by Sarah LindsayMaori Children playing KnucklebonesOctopus Ink and Knucklebones: WHAT KIDS DIDKnucklebones and Knocking-Bones: The Accidental Trickster in Ellison's "Invisible Man"Knucklebones and Other Animal Deposits in the “Cruz del Negro” Necropolis: Possible Phoenician Funerary Rituals in SW SpainThe Archaeology of Games. Playing with Knucklebones in the Early Chalcolithic of the Balkans