- My favorite restaurant offers choice steaks from Kobe.
我最喜欢的那家餐馆供应神户产的中上级牛肉。 - Thirty years ago, Kobe was nothing but a small fishing village.
Kobe Bryant Joined Twitter For Three Hours Last Night
'Miserable' Kobe Bryant, Lakers ready for Game 5
It’s True, Kobe Bryant Is Nominated for an Oscar for His Short ‘Dear Basketball’
Ground-water radon anomaly before the kobe earthquake in Japan
From disaster to sustainable civil society: the kobe experience.
Tomography of the Source Area of the 1995 Kobe Earthquake: Evidence for Fluids at the Hypocenter?
Stress transferred by the 1995 Mw = 6.9 Kobe, Japan, shock: Effect on aftershocks and future earthquake probabilities
Discrete Scaling in Earthquake Precursory Phenomena: Evidence in the Kobe Earthquake, Japan
In-situ stress measurements in deep boreholes around the epicenter of 1995 Hyogoken-Nanbu (Kobe) earthquake, Japan
The Present State and Perspectives on Education of Psychology in Department of Human Psychology, Kobe Gakuin University(11)