- THERE is a prickly KGB officer in the Kremlin.
克里姆林宫有一个脾气暴躁的克格勃官员。 - They could see the Kremlin quite clearly from where they lied.
Cardiovascular disease in Europe 2016: an epidemiological update
The economic burden of ill health due to diet, physical inactivity, smoking, alcohol and obesity in the UK: an update to 2006–07 NH...
Chapter 10. Determination of nutrients
Methods of Seawater Analysis
Trace metal fronts in European shelf waters
Increasing hydrogen sulfide concentration and trace metal behavior in the anoxic Baltic waters ☆
Distribution of dissolved molybdenum, uranium and vanadium in baltic sea waters
Methods of Seawater Analysis, Third Edition
Basin‐wide particulate carbon flux in the Atlantic Ocean: Regional export patterns and potential for atmospheric CO2 sequestration
A benchmark for methods in reverse engineering and model discrimination: problem formulation and solutions