COAL DESULPHURIZATIONHe+ 2p state lifetime by a quenching-asymmetry measurementMeasurement of the n=2 Lamb shift in He+ by the anisotropy method.T cell hyporesponsiveness induced by oral administration of ovalbumin is associated with impaired NFAT nuclear translocation and p27...Radiative lifetimes of the lowest 3 P 1 metastable states of Ca and SrLifetimes of the 4 s 4 p 3 P 1 and 4 s 3 d 1 D 2 states of Ca ITransition probabilities of forbidden lines in Pb IA note on a new idealHyperfine structure and isotope shift study in singly ionized leadMaterials and interfaces: Effect of ionic impurities on the crystallization of gypsum in wet-process phosphoric acid