

kyanize(also kyanise)

  • 1. 

    V to treat (timber) with corrosive sublimate to make it resistant to decay 将(木材)浸入氯化汞溶液中以防腐



Ozonace thiokyanatanů a kyanidů (I)
Identifikasi Lutung Jawa (Trachypithecus auratus) di Javan Langur Center (JLC) Coban Talun-Batu Berdasarkan Sekuen Gen D-loop
Internally consistent gahnitic spinel-cordierite-garnet equilibria in the FMASHZn system: geothermobarometry and applications
Geology of the Bozdag area, central Menderes massif, SW Turkey: Pan-African basement and Alpine deformation
Calcium transport by intact synaptosomes. Influence of ionophore A23187 on plasma-membrane potential, plasma-membrane calcium transp...
High-pressure relics in meta-sediments intercalated with the Weissenstein eclogite, Münchberg gneiss complex, Bavaria
Differential HHV-6A gene expression in T cells and primary human astrocytes based on multi-virus array analysis
Metamorphism and partial melting of paragneisses of the Monotonous Group, SE Moldanubicum (Austria)
Effects of nitric oxide on gentamicin toxicity in isolated perfused rat kidneys.
Analysis of NADH dehydrogenase proteins, ATPase subunit 9, cytochrome b, and ribosomal protein L14 encoded in the mitochondrial DNA ...