- The rebels labeled the labor laboring in the laboratory and lavatory.
Laboring for relevance: Expectant and new fatherhood.
[Book review] the cultural front, the laboring of american culture in the twentieth century
A comparison of multiport and uniport epidural catheters in laboring patients
Limitations of epinephrine as a marker of intravascular injection in laboring women.
Determination of the dose-response relationship for intrathecal sufentanil in laboring patients
The Cultural Front: The Laboring of American Culture in the Twentieth Century. By Michael Denning. (New York: Verso, 1996. xx, 556 p...
Up-regulation of the progesterone receptor (PR)-C isoform in laboring myometrium by activation of nuclear factor-kappaB may contribu...
Genetic variability of the mu-opioid receptor influences intrathecal fentanyl analgesia requirements in laboring women
Upregulation of the progesterone receptor (PR)-C isoform in laboring myometrium by activation of NF-kappa B may contribute to the on...
Qualitative assessment of maternal uterine and fetal umbilical artery blood flow and resistance in laboring patients by Doppler velo...