labour force n. 劳动力
surplus labour 【政治经济学】剩余劳动(力) , 【经济学】剩余劳动
labour party劳工党
division of labour分工
labour union n. [美]工会
labour productivity劳动生产率
cheap labour廉价劳动力;廉价劳工
labour for v. 努力争取
manual labour体力劳动;手工劳动
labour cost人工成本
labour law劳动法
labour movement工人运动
new labour新工党
labour day劳动节
child labour童工
hard labour强迫劳役
labour dispute劳资争议
international labour organization国际劳工组织
ministry of labour劳工部
physical labour体力劳动
- Labour is not only a necessity but also a pleasure.
劳动不仅是人生所必需的,而且是一种乐趣。 - It takes a lot of labour to build a railway.
修筑一条铁路要花费许多劳动力。 - A vigorous labour movement began that winter.
那年冬天,展开了蓬蓬勃勃的劳工运动。 - The labour question must come to the fore next session.
劳工问题必将成为下届会议的热门话题。 - She was in labour for three hours.
- We labour for the happiness of mankind.
我们为人类的幸福而努力。 - The editor laboured over the manuscript till early morning.
编辑煞费苦心地修改稿件,一直干到清晨。 - Miners labour in the bowels of earth.
矿工们在地底下劳动。 - The old man laboured up the hillside.
老人吃力地登上山腰。 - The horses laboured up the steep slope.
那些马费力地爬上了陡坡。 - There is no need to labour the argument.
该论据无需详细说明或讨论。 - You needn't labour a point that is perfectly plain.
- He was elected to the leadership of the Labour Party.
The Division of Labour in Society
Child Labour, Fertility, and Economic Growth
Firing Costs and Labour Demand: How Bad is Eurosclerosis?
Labour market institutions and economic performance | Economic Policy | Oxford Academic
Beyond Becker: Training in Imperfect Labour Markets
Learning to Labour: How Working Class Kids Get Working Class Jobs by Paul Willis
Economic Development with Unlimited Supplies of Labour
Epidural versus non-epidural or no analgesia in labour.
Unemployment: Macroeconomic Performance and the Labour Market
Unemployment : macroeconomic performance and the labour market