- You can see a row of neat summer cottages on the lakefront.
Lakefront property owners' economic demand for water clarity in Maine lakes
An Analysis of Minimum Frontage Zoning to Preserve Lakefront Amenities
The effect of an aquatic invasive species (Eurasian watermilfoil) on lakefront property values.
An Hedonic Analysis of the Effects of Lake Water Clarity on New Hampshire Lakefront Properties
Levee Evaluation Using MASW: Preliminary Findings from the Citrus Lakefront Levee, New Orleans, Louisiana
The Nutrient Balance in the Protected Fields of Vegetable and Flower Cultivation in Dian Lakefront
Killing effects of insecticides combined with synergists for Culex pipiens pallens in Shandong lakefronts
Incentivizing the public to support invasive species management: Eurasian milfoil reduces lakefront property values.
Research on purification effect of Jian lake Zizania latifolia wetland lakefront zone in northwest of Yunnan Plateau on nitrogen and...
Hedonic Analysis of Effects of a Nonnative Invader ( Myriophyllum heterophyllum ) on New Hampshire (USA) Lakefront Properties