The Treatment of Stammering (and "Lalling")The relation of irregularities of the teeth and some other oral structures with lalling and sigmatism /Dumbness (congenital aphasia) in persons not obviously imbecile. Lalling on single consonants. Congenital paralysis of mouth; and or...Method and apparatus for working wire-shaped or rod-shaped materialLETTER OF THOMAS EYRE TO WILLIAM ARCHERFamilial amentia, unusual ventricular calcifications, and increased cerebrospinal fluid protein.Successional patterns of terrestrial bryophytes along a wildfire chronosequence in the wet eucalypt forests of southern Tasmania.Efficacy of immune therapy in early experimental Naegleria fowleri meningitisArrangement for cooling electronic modular units in equipment and network cabinetsCooling device for an electronic component, especially for a microprocessor