- Much lamentation followed the death of the old king.
老国王晏驾,人们悲恸不已。 - There was lamentation throughout the land at the news of the defeat.
败北的消息传来,举国哀叹。 - We could hear her lamentations through the closed door.
The lamentation over the destruction of Sumer and Ur /
Lamentation and Modernity in Literature, Philosophy, and Culture
Lamentation and Modernity in Literature, Philosophy, and Culture
Lamentation and loss: expressions of caring by contemporary surgical nurses
Nuremberg lamentation: for the forgotten victims of medical science
Beyond Lamentation: Towards a Democratic Egalitarian Politics of Crime and Justice
Why aging isn't regulated: a lamentation on the use of language in aging literature.
Death, lamentation and the photographic representation of the Other during the Second Iraq War in Greek newspapers
To praise,to wail in lamentation replace of other persons,imply the author's aspiration-talking about the social intercourse article...
Identity lost or identity found? Celebration and lamentation over the postmodern view of identity in social science and fiction