- The flow of air on the surface of moern aircraft and missiles may be laminar.
Laminar Flow Forced Convection in Ducts
Laminar Flow Forced Convection in Ducts
Cell cycle dependence of laminar determination in developing neocortex
Laminar shear stress: mechanisms by which endothelial cells transduce an atheroprotective force.
Size, laminar and columnar distribution of efferent cells in the sensory﹎otor cortex of monkeys
Osmotic system having laminar arrangement for programming delivery of active agent
Correlating equations for laminar and turbulent free convection from a horizontal cylinder
A spectral element method for fluid dynamics: Laminar flow in a channel expansion
Oscillatory and steady laminar shear stress differentially affect human endothelial redox state: role of a superoxide-producing NADH...
Experimental investigation into convective heat transfer of nanofluids at the entrance region under laminar flow conditions