
  • abbr.

    land satellite 地球资源卫星;

  • 英英释义


    • n.East Indian tart yellow berrylike fruit




    Lansat images for assessment of the impact of land use and land cover changes on the Barekese catchment in Ghana
    Avaliação da transformação radiométrica dos dados TM/Lansat-5 em reflectâncias
    Discriminación de gypsisoles mediante el sensor ETM+ del satélite Lansat-7
    A hierarchical classification of Lansat TM imagery to identify natural grassland areas and rare species habitat.
    Processamento digital de imagens multitemporais Lansat-5TM e Jers-1 SAR aplicado ao mapeamento e monitoramento de areas de alteracao...
    Comparison of brightness temperatures inversed from high and low gain state data of Lansat-7 ETM+ thermal infrared band
    Spectral diagnosis of geobotanical anomalies from stresses of plants using probe data from the Lansat-7 satellite
    The Approaches for Oasis Desert Vegetation Information Abstraction Based on Medium-Resolution Lansat TM Image: A Case Study in Deser...
    Remote Sensing and Water Quality Indicators in the West Flood Canal Semarang City: Spatio-temporal Structures of Lansat-8 Derived Ch...