The Large Landed Estate of Northern Rus at the End of the Fourteenth through the First Half of the Sixteenth Century (Book Review)
The English landed estate in the nineteenth century: its administration.
The Landed Estate and the Landscape: Landownership and the Changing Landscape of Southern Sweden During the 19th and 20th Centuries
Second Slavery, Second Serfdom, and Beyond: The Atlantic Plantation System and the Eastern and Southern European Landed Estate Syste...
The Shirley estate 1814-1906 : the development and demise of a landed estate in County Monaghan
Review of French, Henry; Rothery, Mark, Man's Estate: Landed Gentry Masculinities, 1660-1900
Landed Estate
Landed Estate Novel
Profit, rent, patrimony, and risk on the large landed estates in Southern Portugal toward the end of the nineteenth century
Management Problems on a Large Estate in Mid-Nineteenth Century Ireland: William Steuart Trench's Report on the Shirley Estate in 1843