latewood:Definition of latewood according to MorkTree-ring width and maximum latewood density at the North American tree line: parameters of climatic changeChemical composition of earlywood and latewood in Norway spruce heartwood, sapwood and transition zone woodThe influence of temperature on latewood lignin content in treeline Norway spruce compared with maximum density and ring width.How do water transport and water storage differ in coniferous earlywood and latewood?Function and Dynamics of Auxin and Carbohydrates during Earlywood/Latewood Transition in Scots PineFunction and dynamics of auxin and carbohydrates during earlywood/latewood transition in scots pine.Boreal temperature variability inferred from maximum latewood density and tree-ring width data, Wrangell Mountain region, AlaskaSummer Temperature Patterns over Europe: A Reconstruction from 1750 A.D. Based on Maximum Latewood Density Indices of Conifers