- A less naive observer might note that, by the time Mr Latimer showed up, Mr Bush did not exactly have a free hand.
稍微精明点的观察家都会注意到,在拉蒂默先生出现的时候,布什先生正忙的不可开交。 - No one cares about Mr Latimer's grudges, but many are intrigued by the rude things he says he heard the president say.
The Oxidation States of the Elements and Their Potentials in Aqueous Solutions.OFFICIAL METHODS OF ANALYSIS OF AOACThe patterns and dynamics of genomic instability in metastatic pancreatic cancerAssociation of official Analytical ChemsitOfficial Method of Analysis of AOAC InternationalSignatures of mutation and selection in the cancer genome.Bronchial responsiveness to histamine: relationship to diurnal variation of peak flow rate, improvement after bronchodilator, and ai...Systematic sequencing of renal carcinoma reveals inactivation of histone modifying genesAdverse Events Associated With Prescription Drug Cost-Sharing Among Poor and Elderly PersonsThe effect of atropine on allergen-induced increases in bronchial responsiveness to histamine.