Lavatera trimestris三月花葵
LavateraLavateraLavateraSystematics of Lavatera and Malva (Malvaceae, Malvae) - A new perspectiveSystematics of Lavatera and Malva ( Malvaceae, Malveae )—a new perspectiveDiurnal Phototropism in Solar Tracking Leaves of Lavatera creticaAnthocyanins of Cephaelis, Cynomorium, Euterpe, Lavatera and PinangaPhototropic Response to Vectorial Light in Leaves of Lavatera cretica LContribuçoes para o conhecimento do género Lavatera L. I. Notas sobre algumas espéciesRole of the Cotyledons in the Phototropic Response of Lavatera cretica SeedlingsSeed image analysis provides evidence of taxonomical differentiation within the Lavatera triloba aggregate (Malvaceae)Action dichroism in perception of vectorial photo-excitation in the solar-tracking leaf of Lavatera cretica L.Molecular evidence from chloroplast and nuclear markers for multiple colonizations of Lavatera (Malvaceae) in the Canary Islands.