- I lave done my duty.
我已尽了我的责任。 - She will never lave home; she is too tied to her mother's apron strings.
她永远也离不开家; 她太依赖她的母亲了。
Traçage sédimentaire d’une lave torrentielle dans le bassin de la Peyronnelle (Queyras, Alpes françaises du Sud
Tensioactifs biodegradables peu moussants pour lave-vaisselle
(Review of) Cognition in practice: Mind, mathematics and culture in everyday life by Jean Lave
Situated learning: Legitimate peripheral participation.
Situated Learning: Legitimate Peripheral Participation, Learning in Doing
Cognition in practice : mind, mathematics, and culture in everyday life
Comparison of a disease-specific and a generic severity of illness measure for patients with community-acquired pneumonia
Hospitalized pneumonia
Ecology. Managing soil carbon.
Managing Soil Carbon